Educate About Israel


Stand with Israel by educating yourself and others about the war and the atrocities commited by Hamas and Hezbollah. Below are resources for you to explore regarding how funds are being allocated to help those on the gorund, how to talk to your children and teens about the war, how to answer tough questions, and how to counter misinformation.

Educate Yourself


Learn where your dollars are going when you give to the Israel Crisis Fund.

CLICK HERE for a full breakdown of the allocations.

CLICK HERE for descriptions of all organizations receiving funds allocated by the Federation system.


Countering Mis- and Disinformation and Understanding Bias in Reporting

CLICK HERE to view helpful links, talking points, and definitions, to help you decipher what you see in the news and on social media.

Educate Others

Answers to Tough Questions

CLICK HERE to view a list of detailed answers to common and difficult questions Jews are facing when confronted about Israel. 

Resources for Parents

CLICK HERE for a document filled with helpful talking points and additional links for parents to talk to children and young adults about what is happening in Israel.

Give to the Israel Crisis Fund