
19 2020

Author Speaker: Jamie Bernstein

7:00PM - 8:30PM  


Contact Rosie Kimball
210 302 6828

$ Cost $ 6.00

The oldest daughter of revered composer Leonard Bernstein offers a rare look at her father on the centenary of his birth - illuminating a man, a city, and an era that defined modern culture - in a deeply intimate and broadly evocative memoir reminiscent of Alexandra Styron’s Reading My Father and Richard Ford’s Between Them.

Jamie Bern­stein is an author, broad­cast­er, film­mak­er and con­cert nar­ra­tor. In addi­tion to writ­ing arti­cles and con­cert nar­ra­tions, Jamie trav­els exten­sive­ly, speak­ing about music as well as about her father, Leonard Bern­stein. Jamie’s film doc­u­men­tary, Crescen­do: the Pow­er of Music, is view­able on iTunes.