Texas Jewish Federations Review of TEA Proposed K-5 English Language Arts Materials

The Texas Education Agency recently released a proposed curriculum for grades K-5 that is infused with Christian-based teaching. After careful review, Texas Jewish Federations have identified many sections in the curriculum that are disturbing, inappropriate, and even antisemitic.

Some of the issues include:

  • Repeatedly using the term "Bible" to mean only the Christian Bible
  • Relating that Jesus is the Messiah and that he was resurrected (rather than clarifying that these are Christian beliefs), and stating that this was foretold in the Hebrew Bible
  • Representation of Jews in the Book of Esther story as strange and disloyal (antisemitic tropes)
  • Glorification of the Crusades and excusing the mass murder of Jews and Muslims by Crusaders
  • Inappropriate roleplaying of hateful acts, including rolling dice to choose dates to kill Jews like Haman did, and asking children to imagine if they were a Crusader

We are not against teaching a broad range of religious beliefs to children. Such teaching should be age-appropriate and presented in a way that clearly distinguishes between "beliefs" and "facts," and gives appropriate time and respect to acknowledging many different religions.

How You Can Help

The State Board of Education (SBOE) will meet to discuss this curriculum September 10-13. We'd like to ask for your help in emailing your SBOE elected representative to let them know why you are concerned about this curriculum. Please remember to be respectful as they are volunteers serving our state.

Making your message personal will help draw attention to the issue.
Some examples of language you can use:

"I am a Jewish Texas parent and my children attend public schools in your District...

"I attended public schools in Texas and ..."

"I am a Jewish Texas grandparent..."

"I am a Jewish Texas voter..."

"I am a concerned voter..."

 "I'd like you to vote against approving the new proposed TEA K-5 ELAR curriculum because..."

Send an email to the entire State Board of Education with your personal story and reasons why you ask them to reject the curriculum. Please send emails by October 30, 2024.  Copy and paste all email addresses below in the 'To' field: 

Melissa.Ortega@tea.texas.gov; LJ.Francis@tea.texas.gov; marisa.perez@sboe.texas.gov; Staci.Childs@sboe.texas.gov; rebecca.bellmetereau@tea.texas.gov; will.hickman@tea.texas.gov; Julie.Pickren@tea.texas.gov; audrey.young@tea.texas.gov; ellisSBOE@gmail.com; tom@maynardfortexas.com; pat.hardy.1109@gmail.com; pam.little@tea.texas.gov; Aicha.Davis@tea.texas.gov; ebrooks@evelyn4texaseducation.com; aaron.kinsey@tea.texas.gov; commissioner@tea.texas.gov

There will be an opportunity to read testimony in person at the next SBOE meeting in Austin.

You must register in advance between September 2 and September 6; the testimony will be taken on September 10 or 11 (exact date to be announced soon). 

Follow this link for all the details.