
17 2023


18 2023

Chabad: Shabbat Weekend with Scholar in Residence

6:00PM - 9:30PM  

Chabad Center 14535 Blanco Rd
San Antonio, TX 78216

Contact Paul Tuna
CCJL&L - Chabad Center for Jewish Life & Learning

$ Cost $ 25.00

Friday Night Dinner - November 17
Services 6:00pm • Dinner 7:00pm
Topic: Who Wrote the Bible: Orthodoxy and Biblical Criticism
Cost: $25 Adults • $15.00 Children

Shabbat Day - November 18
Services 9:30am • Torah Reading 10:30am • Sermon 11:15am
Lunch and Lecture 12:15pm
Topic: Written Torah. Oral Torah, and the Authority of the Rabbis
Free of charge

Saturday Night Melave Malka - October 18
Dinner and Presentation 8:30pm
Topic: A Slide Presentation: Understanding the latest excavations in the City Of David and Temple Mount area
Event fee: $15 (Adults only)